Monday, February 1, 2016

01.31.16. Bring Good News

01.31.16       "Bring Good News”

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who publish peace, who bring good news of happiness...”  (The Prophet Isaiah)

Beautiful are the Feet of Those Who Bring Good News

The third retreat in my four years as pastor was for a regional gathering as clergy or lay leaders, from large and small churches alike.  We spent a weekend in the foothills, a little closer to heaven, at Lazy F Ranch.  It was originally  an 1892 Homestead bought 55 years ago for church camp and retreat site.  In that remote,  peaceful place we gathered to share our faith journey experiences, in keeping with the theme:  "Walking Together in Truth."

"Laissez Faire" or Lazy F, for Relaxation, Peace and Rest

The challenge of walking together in a faith fellowship can be differences in knowing the meaning of truth.  "Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true."  Robert Brault

Our informal discussions in a relaxed setting pondered questions like, what is Truth?  Is there Absolute Truth?  What do we believe to be true about ourselves?  What stories do we tell ourselves about who we are?  Did false stories that may have been convincing at a young age, result in being stuck in a limited identity?    

You are Standing on  Holy Ground

It is easy to see how some give up their personal truth by believing they do not have any power to use God-given gifts.  A person can believe their life is defined by their experience instead of being open to continued growth and understanding.   However, each one of us is the certain raw material that is needed to improve life for those around us.  The Spirit of Life changes us and uses our lives for Goodness, as we discover more of the truth about who we are.

One young woman with university campus ministries gave an example of what she tells her students: "You are bright, and you are shining, and I can see it. The light is inside you the whole time -- even if you are average, or normal, you will do something to change the world.  It just takes something Divine for us to be able to see that light in ourselves.  When we heal from our false story, we can be there for each other, and reach out to others."  

The light is always there, even when clouds get in the way.

Questions on Spiritual Truth and Absolute Truth have long been debated, or avoided as some tend to focus on the scripture passages we like and ignore the ones we do not.    What about the saying. "... it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven?"  Did Jesus walk on water, or really turn water into wine?  What about the message,  "I am the way, the Truth, and the life?"

What if we look for the meaning of  -- the word beyond the words?  --  What is the truth beyond the debate of the concrete details?  How do we hold our own understanding of the truth?  How do we listen to others who may feel just as strongly about a different interpretation of truth? How do we honor and respect another's faith convictions without imposing our own?

Before judging, walk a mile in the other person's snow shoes.

In the scriptural  parable of the wheat being separated from the chaff for example, the meaning could be the importance for one to be separate from negativity or violence.  It could be keeping the focus on spiritual growth, because our Creator knows me better than I know myself. It could mean the line between good and evil is not between countries, or people, but in the middle of every human heart, and in the middle of my own heart.

Is debating whether a scriptural story really happened as important as asking what does it mean, and what is the meaning of that story for us today?  Engaging in conversation, listening to each others understanding of truth will connect rather than divide us as people for peace.  

"At the center of our being is a point of nothingness which is untouched by sin and by illusion, a point of pure truth, a spark which belongs entirely to God."  Thomas Merton  

Every person is needed to bring good news, to daily write their life story of peace, to bring happiness to others.  In every circle, where we may choose to serve, the light in our own soul will shine brighter as we share the kindness and the grace of good news.            

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