02.29.16 ALL Who Are Thirsty
Who can Drink from the Pure Depth of the Spirit of Life |
The Prophet Isaiah, in Chapter 55, wrote about what some call the number one issue of practicing spirituality, which is God's grace, or the generosity of God. The question addressed, is who has access, and who can drink of the water which is the Spirit of Life? ALL who are thirsty. And who can be fed at God's incredible feast? ALL who are hungry.
Water is crucial for all of life |
It was concerning to learn this week of a water crisis reported in India, a country already known for its water shortage. On Tuesday, February 23, 2016, a canal which provides the water supply to millions of people was damaged by violent protesters (protesting fewer jobs and declining incomes). Sixteen million people in Delhi depend on getting most of their water from that damaged canal. Since Tuesday, tankers have been rationing out portions of water each day, while the military has taken control of the canal until the water source can be restored.
Tanker Trucks Delivering Water Daily to Delhi |
In the past, a country with a water problem, and a solution that changed lives, was described by Dr. William Stidger. Stidger, a Methodist pastor in the United States, lived between the years of 1885 and 1949. He was known for using media, (journalism and the radio) for advertising, marketing, publicity, or anything that would adapt his message to what was most effective and relevant to the day. If he were alive now, he would certainly be writing a Blog for publishing his messages on the world wide web. Yet, his reputation pointed to his integrity and the fact that he never forgot he was a Christian preacher with a conscience for social issues which expanded his ministry to several countries including the Phillipines.
Social Media Carried the Message |
Dr. Stidger reportedly relayed one of his most memorable conversations with a Filipino man with his ministry there. When he asked, "What is the most useful thing that the Americans have contributed?" The answer was, "The most wonderful thing that the Americans brought to us in the American occupation of our Philippine Islands was the artesian well. That has saved our babies from death!"
Pure Water for Healthy Lives |
"(An Artesian well is one drilled deep enough to reach water capable of rising to the surface by internal hydrostatic pressure.)
Difference Between Contaminated Ground Water and Artesian Well Water |
Thank God for water!" he said again. " I have uttered that prayer from the depths of my heart more than any other prayer in my life. You would know if you had been here before, as some of us have. Mothers would brush away green scum from stagnant pools, and let their children drink from those pools of disease and death!"
"Didn’t they know better?" Stidger asked.
"They had no better. It wasn’t a matter of knowing any better.
See how they use these artesian wells, now that they have them." Rev. Stidger said: "He didn’t need to call that to my attention. It was wonderfully apparent. It was one of the most thrilling things, I saw the miracle of water in action." What could be a more welcome invitation? What could be kinder than to offer water to a thirsty child or free food to a poor woman? A way to wash and feel clean.
The Rhythm of the Waves and the Tides, Reflect the Rhythm of Life |
A Jewish Christian writer said, "Man can live about 40 days without food, about 3 days without water, about 8 minutes without air ... but only for one second without hope." Hope in a sense is like the technology that showed how to drill deep enough wells to tap into pure water; Water that was there all the time, but the hope for health and healing came after access to the fresh pure abundant water.
Contemplating the Mysteries of Life |
Long ago and far away, I was one of the people perplexed by a thirst and hunger in my soul; The difference was learned first hand from trying to satisfy spiritual thirst from stagnant pools of disease and death. Now working with others who have mental health and addiction problems, I continue to see every day, that many people are dying from the consequences of their lifestyle choices.
Light Shines Through the Dancing Waves |
Just as water is life to the natural world, the Spirit of God is life to the human spirit and soul. The Power which is the giver of all life, is always available around us and within us. How do we go deeper in spiritual growth to experience the bubbling forth of God's pure Grace? How do we help others find deep wellness and pure spiritual water that flows freely? The process of honestly asking, and and then acting on the answer, is the nature of our Spiritual Journey in this life.
Cleansing brings Clarity of Purpose |
During this Lenten season of our Christian church year, we are reminded of the evidence we were first given of eternal life. There was a resurrection that assured all humankind we never need be separate from God -- either in this life or eternity. At any time we can enter with confidence into the presence of unconditional all powerful love, to receive mercy and find grace.
That is the gift of the resurrection after death. It was for the purpose of showing us. Like pure water, deep in the earth. We have a way to go deep, and gain access within. How can we share the deep well of pure water? How do we help those who thirst for knowing the experience of drinking in peace, or washing in love of unconditional acceptance and Grace?
Drink from the Well of the Peace that Passes All Understanding |
ALL who are thirsty, we are invited drink deep from the well, the water which is the Spirit of Life that never runs dry. Just one drink, and our soul will be satisfied.
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