Tuesday, December 22, 2015

12.22.15 More Blessed to Give than to Receive

12.22.15  More Blessed to Give than to Receive

My heart warmed each time I thought of the gift I had carefully prepared a few days ago for the white elephant party attended with friends today.  In that way the anticipation really did bless me more to give than to receive.  It was fun to add a written blessing to the gift for random exchange, with no way of knowing who would receive it.  Over the years, some very interesting items show up at these things, like the mounted singing fish that has been a big hit for several years in a row at  another annual white elephant party .  

The item I carefully wrapped in Christmas decoration was not as important as the message I wanted to give.  The blessing I really wanted to give someone, my prayer for that person, was what I wrote on the attached card: “May the magic of this season come alive for you, so you keep a song in your heart, and enjoy not only the best in 2016, but in many more new years to come.”  

After the festive lunch, it came time to draw numbers for randomly choosing one of the gifts piled high. It was rewarding when the person who opened the one from me genuinely seemed delighted.  The facial expressions said that person really did appreciate the blessing, the wish, the prayer, and maybe even the Christmas Carol lyrics printed out and tucked in along with the hand-written card.

When my turn came, the large beautiful sparkly gift bag was the one that caught my eye.  When I unwrapped several more packages revealed inside, I discovered loads and loads of firecrackers, sparklers, rocket balls; Somebody, I wasn't sure who, would surely be thrilled to have these accessories to bring in the New Year with a great big bang!  However, since it’s been at least 50 years since I last set off fireworks, I tried to think of who might better enjoy these for lighting up the sky.  

Fortunately for me, in this game of random choosing, trading, stealing, the very last person to take a turn, generously traded to me her lovely gift, for the collection of firecrackers.  The rest of the day I modeled my beautiful new set of earrings and festive hand-beaded Christmas Tree necklace.

Another surprise gift, on return to my office after the party, was finding a handwritten note left by my friend.  Her note was attached discreetly to the poster I displayed of a picture of my “Guidance From Grandma” page.  It hangs on my wall with added caption in large bold letters, “Expect A Miracle.”  My friend gave an additional gift when she left a blessing in the note attached to my poster: “With you as the Grandma, miracles do and will always happen.”   The privilege of being connected to loved ones is a miraculous gift, and today I am truly grateful for the presence of so many family and friends in my life.

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